
Preparation for taking Holy Communion is a three part process:  theological, spiritual, and liturgical (procedural). For  Communion to be appropriately delivered on the web it is  important that all participants, both celebrants and  communicants, have at least some understanding of these  issues. 

Please be sure to read or listen to the "Liturgical" page  to learn how to set up your service of Holy Communion.  At the bottom of each document is a button named  "Print or Speak."  By selecting  that button you will be able to easily print  or hear the  topic. Navigation  buttons will be found at the top of each  "Printer Friendly" page. 

You can navigate the menu on the right  using either your mouse or the left and  right arrow keys.  On  each page you reach you will see or hear the "Print or Speak" button.  If you wish to return to the previous page you can use the left arrow-key to find the back-button (with a voice prompt).

Why the Web? or Back.
There are many reasons to make Holy Communion easily available to those in need. See a list of some of the reasons for putting Holy Communion on the Web  More ...
Theological Preparation Theological Preparation
Is it appropriate to even think in terms of a Communion service offered over the web? There are, at the very least, two theological issues with which we must come to terms.  More ...
Spiritual Preparation
Spiritual preparation for Holy Communion is important and may include a period of prayer prior to Communion (always a good idea), or some form of centering ritual. More ...
Preparing for the Communion Liturgy Liturgical Preparation or About this Liturgy
Preparing to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion is not difficult, but some forethought will enhance the experience.   More ...