Theological Preparation

Is it appropriate to even think in terms of a Communion service offered over the web? There are, at the very least, two theological issues with which we must come to terms: 1) the validity of the consecration of the elements (the bread and wine) when at least part of the delivery of the consecration will be recorded; and 2) because Communion is both an individual and a communal rite, can we satisfy both these attributes through a Communion service delivered over the web? The information presented here provides some background you can use to make up your own mind.

The communal nature of Communion
Is Communion primarily an individual or communal liturgical act? The normal answer is that it is both and in the Church the communal aspects have become very important.  More ...
The Conscreation of the Elements
The first thing we need to remember is that the consecration is not a magical formula like an alchemist’s attempt to turn lead into gold.  More ...